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Coaching Modalities

Five Ways to Access the Vibration of Love


The five ways to open your heart and access the vibration of love are Empathy, Gratitude, Forgiveness, Positive reframing, and Blessing with love. You can apply each one to anything that you are focused on or anything that occurs in your reality.

Each one has the power to heal and elevate your experience such that you are more resilient when you encounter life’s downs.

I believe that these five ways to access the vibration of love map onto the Sage Powers of Empathize, Navigate, Explore, Innovate, and Activate that are outlined in the Positive Intelligence Program for Mental Fitness.

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Ask, Align, and Act: The Keys to Implementing the Law of Attraction


Ask, Align, and Act are three steps for implementing the Law of Attraction. The Law of Attraction in its simplest form is all about what you focus on. However, there are different ways to do this. You can choose to focus with or without awareness of the way in which you are directing your focus. What I mean by this is monitoring what you want, but also how you feel about it emotionally and whether you can ‘see’ it happening. For maximum effectiveness, you witness what you wish for and turn every aspect of it towards love.

To capture this nuance, I have developed three steps: Ask, Align, and Act. ‘Ask’ allows you to first get clarity about what it is that you wish for and imagine for yourself. Second, ‘Align’ allows you to reflect on your level of certainty around moving forward and receiving it. And third, ‘Act’ is taking small inspired steps with conviction that it will become real.

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EFT Tapping on the Saboteurs


Tapping is an acupressure technique that activates points on the meridians in the same way as acupuncture. This Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT) was developed by Gary Craig in the 1990s based on his study of work done by Roger Callahan in Thought Field Therapy (TFT).  He simplified the process to this basic recipe of 8 tapping points. Since this standardization, many studies have found Tapping leads to a significant reduction in pain and stress. For example, it has been effective in providing relief from fibromyalgia, PTSD, and sustained weight loss.

Shirzad Chamine’s work on Positive Intelligence has provided keys to greater mental fitness through identifying your saboteurs and moving them to sage. In other words, catching the mental and emotional gremlins that undermine your effectiveness and shifting to responding from intuition and inner wisdom.

In these videos, EFT tapping is directed to a particular saboteur. The idea is to activate the energy pathways to shift negative patterns associated with each saboteur. This includes reducing the impact of the predominant emotions, beliefs, and behaviors associated with each saboteur.

You can find out which saboteurs are yours by taking the free assessment here.

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Shifting to Sage Strength from Saboteur


Each situation that is objectively bad has elements that are objectively good. Similarly, every characteristic or personality trait that we have can also be a blend of challenge and gift. When we get in our own way and sabotage ourselves it can seem like a curse, but there are still ways that we can leverage the very same behaviors to generate success. This process underpins mental fitness and the ability to shift from saboteur to sage strength.

Mental fitness has many parallels with physical fitness. With both, you improve outcomes through intake and action. For physical fitness, the focus is on lifestyle changes to accommodate your body with diet and exercise. With mental fitness, the focus is on lifestyle changes around what you accommodate in your stream of consciousness. Your stream of consciousness includes what is happening right now through the experiences in which you place yourself as well as what you have learned in the past.

Once we have more awareness and understanding as to how our thoughts and emotions influence our behavior we can “read the landscape” and choose whether to adopt these patterns.

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The Five Sage Powers in a Nutshell


The five sage powers are those that come from love. They are empathy, exploration, innovation, navigation, and action. The more time we spend resonating with them the greater our mental fitness.


This is a connection to our innocent self. The unconditional love of a baby or pet. There is no judgment just an acceptance and honoring of the beauty and perfection of our essential being.


Explore allows us to get a sense of the lay of the land and how it emerged. It brings fascination and joy for the process of creation.

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