“No Man is born into the world whose work is not born with him.” – James Russell Lowell
Week Twenty
This exercise is about finding out about what you were born to do: The circumstances in any area of your life that bring immense satisfaction and a sense of contribution and meaning. This could be something that you feel compelled to do, or something magical that you experienced in a singular setting. What you give meaning to in each moment is your choice. You give your surroundings and experiences meaning and you have the power to change what is meaningful. Here you will discover themes behind your life skills and what connects your natural talents. Answer the questions below to discover which arenas of specification allow the best expression of you.
1) Begin by noting down all the times when you have been at your happiest. Trust how your inner voice responds when you ask it
a. What activities or experiences have I engaged in that I absolutely LOVED?
b. What activities or experiences have I engaged in that allowed me to express my best self and make me feel 100% authentic?
c. What activities or experiences have I engaged in that I am so present and involved in, that I lose track of time?
2) When nothing else comes to mind, expand on each example. Include aspects such as what you did, where you were, how you felt, what the outcome was, and anything else that describes your experience of flow and harmony. What skills or qualities can be found in these joyful experiences?
3) Identify the contribution you made in each example and refer to your skills and talents from week sixteen. Think about what your contributions have in common or how they resonate with your skills and talents and group them according to similarity.
a. Next improve your understanding of each skill groups by writing down: How you use it? What you use it for? And when you last used it?
b. Once you have done this, identify which of the Nine life paths outlined below best reflects your application of your gifts. Repeat for each of your skill groups. What themes do you see emerging? Do your talents find expression under particular life paths?
I. Pioneer, Explorer, Discoverer, Inventor & Visionary – exploring, envisioning, discovering, imagining
II. Nurturer, Caregiver, Counselor, Advisor & Developer – counseling, supporting, developing, helping, nurturing
III. Artist, Writer, Performer, Actor, Musician & Expressive – expressing, writing, illustrating, acting, speaking
IV. Planner, Designer, Builder, Organizer & Manager – organizing, managing, constructing
V. Adventurer, Warrior, Cowboy & Protector – adventuring, hunting, protecting, guarding
VI. Teacher, Healer, Knowledge Worker – illuminating, explaining, informing, healing, easing, balancing, thriving
VII. Researcher, Scientist, Journalist, Philosopher – researcher – investigating, analyzing, documenting
VIII. Executive, Owner, Founder, Director, Administrator – directing, administering, founding
IX. Guide, Mentor, Sage, Humanitarian, World Leader, Philanthropist – assisting, enlightening, revealing, uplifting, mentoring
4) Write one or two sentences that express the vision of the world you want to live in. This is the path of least resistance for you. The world you flourish in and want to create for yourself through purposeful action. If you can, crystallize the essence of your vision by editing and tweaking to a statement of 11 words or less. Use only the keywords and phrases that you really connect with, that are high resonance. Disregard the ones that do not hold much meaning for you. This is your primary self expression.
Test your statement of life purpose. Does it give you energy and help clarify what you will do in you work and life? Do you have a strong desire to fulfill it? Do you feel deep pleasure when you act in concert with it? Do your interests naturally gravitate towards fulfilling it?
People who follow their call to joy experience the fullness of their being. They are the renaissance workers who evolve the consciousness of humanity. Think of one thing you can do now to move just one step closer to that vision. When you have a vision and start taking action, the universe will conspire to make it a reality.
Your statement resonates with who you are. If the resonance should ever fade, work on it again to come up with a new one that has been refined through your growth. These words provide the essence of who you are and what you have to offer. They provide an additional referral point for choices you make about the life you wish to lead. Your statement of purpose is yours to choose to share or not.
Pinpointing the types of experience that bring you most joy benefits you by narrowing down specific areas that really inspire and interest you. With this knowledge you can choose to invest more time and energy in related activities and less on other distractions that do not feed your spirit in the same ways. There may be a few primary ways that you most easily express yourself or you may find that you mostly express through one type. Greater connection with your personal life paths assists you in identifying the types of vocation that would be the best fit as well as choices you can make to express this even more in whatever activity you are engaged.