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July 2021

The Five Love Languages: Review and coaching application


This is a summary of The Five Love Languages: The secret to love that lasts by Gary Chapman.

When we are in the early stages of a relationship with rose-colored glasses and presenting our best behavior, we may overlook faults and may naturally be speaking each others’ love language. As the relationship matures, however, the pattern may shift with changing circumstances such as a focus on career or children or adopting learned behaviors from roles experienced in our own upbringing. This may squeeze out behaviors in which we previously engaged.

One way to view it, according to Gary, is that we have a love tank that is filled by our partner that ranges from empty (0) to full (10). If it is near empty, intentionally using the right love language can move it to full. He noticed five reoccurring themes over time as he was counseling people through problems in their marriages. These languages of love are 1) words of affirmation, 2) quality time, 3) receiving gifts, 4) acts of service, and 5) physical touch.

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The Four Levels of Healing: Review and coaching application


This is an overview of The Four Levels of Healing: A guide to balancing the spiritual, mental, emotional, and physical aspects of life by Shakti Gawain. She is a bestselling author and international teacher whose books and workshops inspire people to live by their inner truth.

Shakti outlines paying attention to each of the four levels of existence. These are spiritual, mental, emotional, and physical. All healing begins by acknowledging and accepting the present occurrence and being open to other possibilities. This book provides a wonderful overview of working with each of these aspects and will prompt the reader to discover the areas which they might have been neglecting. It also provides clues as to how the areas are intertwined and may show corresponding patterns. It gives a clear voice to principles that you may want to live by. There is a gentle reminder and reiteration of values that you will appreciate for committing more fully to these intentions.

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The Four Agreements: Review and coaching application


The ideas outlined in the book The Four Agreements: A practical guide to personal freedom (A Toltec wisdom book) by Don Miguel Ruiz bring the opportunity to observe your own truth and to live your own truth. It is wonderfully easy to read. Indeed, the ideas presented are so concise and simple as to mask the incredible power of the content. It is worth reading repeatedly to allow the wisdom to really sink in.

Don Miguel Ruiz is part of a lineage that conserves spiritual knowledge. This book shares the teachings of the Toltec, a pre-Colombian Mesoamerican culture that ruled a state centered in Tula, Hidalgo, Mexico. It is for anyone seeking happiness who is open to self-exploration. It provides hope and pointers for transformation by describing four practices or agreements that will bring greater happiness. However, beyond setting the intention to carry out these practices there is not much guidance as to the actual experience of engaging in committed continuous practice over time.

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