The Mastery of Love: Review and coaching application

This is a review of “The Mastery of Love” by Don Miguel Ruiz. He is a member of the Toltec lineage dedicated to the preservation of spiritual knowledge. This book explains our wounding and provides the path to reclaiming our birthright.
In each situation that we encounter, we create images and roles of each aspect relative to us.
When we experience a reward for a certain behavior it becomes a habit we include. Conversely, when we experience a punishment it becomes a behavior we avoid and replace with a pattern that keeps us safe. This action and reaction shapes our behavior to minimize loss and maximize gain. Don Miguel uses a metaphor for this as sores on the skin. If we touch a sore that we believe leads to loss, it hurts. If we touch a sore that appears to restrict gain, it hurts. This skin disease is driven by fear that shows up as a range of negative emotions. This is so endemic it is considered normal. These emotional wounds are denied so that they appear as truth even though they are lies.
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