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October 2024

Positive Psychology and The Law of Attraction


Positive psychology is a branch of psychology that focuses on the study and promotion of well-being, happiness, and positive emotions.

The Law of Attraction also promotes using positive emotions to create the life we want. The Teachings of Abraham channeled by Esther Hicks describe how to use an emotional scale to assess our vibrational state. Love, joy, and appreciation are at the top of this scale.

Barbara Fredrickson, a leading researcher in positive psychology, introduces the concept of the “broaden-and-build” theory, which suggests that positive emotions such as joy, gratitude, love, and hope broaden our thinking and awareness, enabling us to see more possibilities and make better decisions. This theory contrasts with how negative emotions work, which tend to narrow our focus for survival purposes.

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Emotional Freedom Techniques – The next generation Optimal EFT


Optimal EFT, introduced by Gary Craig, is a spiritual and energy-based healing approach that emphasizes the power of the mind and the concept of a higher consciousness or divine presence to address emotional and physical issues.

It is an extension of basic clinical EFT Tapping, which Craig founded. With EFT Tapping aspects are identified and then you tap on a set of meridian points with your fingers to move the energy. Both optimal EFT and clinical EFT Tapping focus on negative emotion as an indicator of stuck energy. With Optimal EFT, once aspects are identified instead of tapping participants connect with love through a powerful memory and then call on a universal oneness or divine knowing presence (termed “The Unseen Therapist”).

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