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Elizabeth Saigal

Top 12 Ways Consciousness Brings Greater Happiness


Happiness is a complex and multifaceted emotional state characterized by feelings of joy, satisfaction, contentment, and fulfillment – the presence of pleasure and the absence of pain. Let’s take a look at different views of happiness.

Biological perspective: happiness is often linked to the brain’s reward systems. Neurotransmitters such as dopamine, serotonin, and endorphins play key roles in regulating mood and the feeling of happiness.

Sociocultural perspective: happiness is derived from success at what is valued in that community.

Psychological perspective: Positive psychology identifies several components of happiness, such as positive emotions, engagement, relationships, meaning, and accomplishments (often summarized by the acronym PERMA). In research, happiness is measured by subjective well-being, which includes cognitive evaluations of one’s life (life satisfaction), as well as the presence of positive emotions and the absence of negative emotions. These elements are often ascribed to having a meaningful life.

Spiritual perspective: happiness is associated with a connection to a higher power or the divine. This connection can bring a profound sense of purpose, meaning, and fulfillment.

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Creating Space and Stillness


symbol-704076_1280 pixabayWhen you become deeply immersed in the moment such that there is no experience of time you have entered into a state of flow. This occurs when you are not identifying with any aspect of the experience you are just being with the experience. It is a place of space and stillness that is deeply alive.

In our modern hustle, many of us are caught in a cycle of constant activity, squeezing tasks into every available minute. This perpetual busyness often prevents us from being present, as we focus on what’s next rather than the current moment. There’s a common belief that inactivity equates to wasted time. However, beyond our concept of time when in a place of flow there is also no concept of wasted activity.

Interestingly, 99.99% of your body is space. Atoms, which make up everything, have nuclei that are 100,000 times smaller than the atom itself. Additionally, electrons, which orbit these nuclei, can be considered waves that occupy zero space! This spaciousness holds all that is manifested in form.

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Benefits of Meditation for Healthy Living


Meditation involves focusing on a specific object, thought, or activity to achieve mental clarity and calmness. This practice benefits both the mind and body. Engaging regularly can diminish stress and anxiety, boost concentration and memory, foster emotional health, improve self-awareness and self-esteem, lower blood pressure, and enhance sleep quality.

Additionally, meditation nurtures mindfulness, compassion, and empathy, contributing to healthier relationships and increased satisfaction and fulfillment in life.

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The Mastery of Love: Review and coaching application


This is a review of “The Mastery of Love” by Don Miguel Ruiz. He is a member of the Toltec lineage dedicated to the preservation of spiritual knowledge. This book explains our wounding and provides the path to reclaiming our birthright.

In each situation that we encounter, we create images and roles of each aspect relative to us.

When we experience a reward for a certain behavior it becomes a habit we include. Conversely, when we experience a punishment it becomes a behavior we avoid and replace with a pattern that keeps us safe. This action and reaction shapes our behavior to minimize loss and maximize gain. Don Miguel uses a metaphor for this as sores on the skin. If we touch a sore that we believe leads to loss, it hurts. If we touch a sore that appears to restrict gain, it hurts. This skin disease is driven by fear that shows up as a range of negative emotions. This is so endemic it is considered normal. These emotional wounds are denied so that they appear as truth even though they are lies.

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Living Untethered: Review and coaching application


The book “Living Untethered: Beyond the Human Predicament” by Michael A. Singer is a must-read for everyone interested in raising their level of consciousness and removing their Samskaras (mental formations).

As you take the spiritual journey you become more mindful. You begin to identify more with the subject – the self within – and less with the objective external trappings.

Early in your journey, there is no distinction between your seat of awareness and your body and mind. They have become the subject with no space between them. With mindfulness, you create a space between. Your body and mind become the object and you become aware of how they distract you. However, the first experience of your inner self is not as it can be. It has been left unattended – and has become derelict with weeds. You still do not feel ok and will compensate with outside experience.

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