My clients include people from diverse walks of life who wish to enhance their skills in managing and directing their own growth. My services include One-on-One Life Coaching, a Positive Intelligence Program, Insight Exchange groups, a Self-Alignment Program, and a complimentary Self-Coaching Program.
I work with those who want to align their outer engagement with their inner-being and understand the value of investing in themselves. I believe that when you devote time and energy to discovering the source of your joy you gain clarity on what your truths are. This knowing allows you to choose what to keep, add, and release. This also leads to greater commitment and engagement which results in more profound external successes.
One-on-one Coaching
One-on-One Coaching benefits you by being solely directed at your agenda. Life coaching is a process that brings clarity to your goals and what works for you. I use coaching techniques to support you in identifying your magnificence, and in bringing forth strength of purpose and profound shifts in awareness.
Please note that Life coaching is not the same as therapy, counseling mentoring, consulting, or training. If these are your requirements seek professional assistance in these areas.
To find out more about how Life coaching will serve you go to FAQs.
You can also read about “The Top Three Ways that Coaching Delivers” in my blog post for the Institute of Life Coach Training.
Positive Intelligence Program for Mental Fitness
What is so valuable and distinctive about this 6-week Positive Intelligence program for mental fitness is that it not only treats the symptoms but also addresses the source. In other words, it is not just a band-aid, but a healing from the inside out. If you are stuck, scared, exhausted, frustrated, ruminating, or spinning your wheels you will discover what it is that makes you respond that way. You can learn to shift from the running of negative (saboteur) programs and connect with your positive inner wisdom (sage).
The program creates lasting change through both awareness and implementation. You learn how to do mental fitness exercises called PQ reps and gain distributed practice with the Positive intelligence app. You take a self-saboteur assessment, watch weekly videos and connect through pod group meetings.
Prior to taking this program, you feel like you are making choices rationally with your best interests in mind. As you gain mental fitness, you realize that many of these decisions were made by your Saboteurs. Later when you are confronted with similar choices again you can respond from your wise sage self and not from fear. This opens possibilities for so much more out of life.
This program is my gift to you when you buy my self-alignment coaching program.
As a Certified Positive Intelligence Coach, I can facilitate your journey and go even deeper in integration and understanding of the material by leveraging the principles of Law of Attraction in the self-alignment program.
Transform and Manifest
The Transform and Manifest Meetup connects several times a month to exchange successes and challenges and target self-development through the principles of flow manifestation.
The Mindful Co-working groups are designed to provide for greater manifestation through co-working accountability. People report finally getting things done that they have been procrastinating on forever.
The Tapping for Transformation group provides an opportunity to come and learn about tapping for the first time or to broaden your experience. This acupressure technique uses meridians to reduce the intensity of your negative experience and even switch limiting mindsets to those that serve you better. Many participants report feeling much lighter at the end of the session. Due to shared benefits, it is likely you will experience a significant shift even if the tapping topic is raised by another participant.
Law of Attraction for Your Desired Change is a round table meeting where we discuss universal laws and principles of the law of attraction. This increases commitment for what you want, clarity about what is getting in the way, and confidence about getting it done.
This group experience is available to everyone and can augment services such as One-on-One Life Coaching or the Self-Alignment Program. It allows you to experience and apply these coaching tools firsthand. You share in the journey of others as they develop clarity and confidence in their own plan to further progress. Group members also provide additional accountability and support and for following through with your intentions and commitments.
Self-Alignment Program
My Self-Alignment Program is tailored to get to the heart of flow manifestation. Participants go deep with powerful tools and techniques that allow their dream life to emerge.
The program covers three key areas:
1) identifying exactly what it is that inspires you.
2) aligning your self-talk so that it flows with acting on this inspiration.
3) deciding on the specific action plan to take inspired action.
The Self-Alignment Program is for those who wish to clear out all the emotional, mental, behavioral, and energetic baggage that prevents them from living life to the fullest.
With the purchase of this program, you will receive the Positive Intelligence Program for mental fitness six-week program as my special gift to you.
Self-Coaching Program
If you are dedicated to your personal growth and development and on a tight budget you can complete exercises from my complimentary Self-Coaching Program.
This program is a complete program of inquiry revitalizing all areas of life. Or, if you prefer you can use it selectively and pick the exercises relevant to an area of focus. You may also choose to do them with a friend or a group of friends. You can also use them to augment any of my other services.
This service is a free resource that provides the opportunity to use coaching techniques to bring a greater depth of understanding and accelerate progress.
“Put your heart, mind, and soul into even your smallest acts. This is the secret of success.” – Swami Sivananda
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