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Coaching Modalities

Why Affirmations Fall Short


Generally, people advise you to do the following when using Affirmations.
Choose a positive statement that resonates with you and relates directly to your goals.
Phrase it as if they are happening now, in the present moment. Repeat it regularly throughout the day, preferably out loud, while focusing on the meaning.
As you incorporate it into your routine, feel and believe in the words and visualize receiving the outcome.
This leverages the Law of Attraction by increasing the focus on what you want vibrationally. So why are results so disappointing?

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The Silva Technique: Mirror of the Mind


The “Mirror of the Mind” is one of the key visualization techniques in the Silva Method. It is designed to help individuals transform challenges into solutions by engaging the mind’s creative and problem-solving abilities.

This exercise is often used for goal achievement, problem-solving, healing, and personal growth. I think it can also be used to deconstruct our programming and reconnect with the essence of the self.

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Emotional Freedom Techniques – The next generation Optimal EFT


Optimal EFT, introduced by Gary Craig, is a spiritual and energy-based healing approach that emphasizes the power of the mind and the concept of a higher consciousness or divine presence to address emotional and physical issues.

It is an extension of basic clinical EFT Tapping, which Craig founded. With EFT Tapping aspects are identified and then you tap on a set of meridian points with your fingers to move the energy. Both optimal EFT and clinical EFT Tapping focus on negative emotion as an indicator of stuck energy. With Optimal EFT, once aspects are identified instead of tapping participants connect with love through a powerful memory and then call on a universal oneness or divine knowing presence (termed “The Unseen Therapist”).

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Freedom from Negative Thoughts


What if we did not judge things as negative or positive? Is there a way to experience freedom from “bad”?

Every interaction has the potential to be interpreted as negative or positive, influencing our physiology and overall vitality. When we encounter situations that align with our desires, we experience being energized and positive. Conversely, situations that don’t meet our expectations can leave us feeling depleted.

These experiences can result in fears associated with being depleted and not getting the results we want.

The Impact of Fearful Mindsets

These fears paradoxically bring additional stress to everyday interactions. This suffering is usually unconscious and unintentional. Shirzad Chamine’s Positive Intelligence framework characterizes these fearful mindsets as “Saboteurs.” For those with a more positive, or “Sage,” mindset, interacting with someone in a Saboteur state can feel draining, like being around an energy vampire.

These fearful and judgmental mindsets can also be contagious, and any similar saboteur programs we hold can be activated. Think of it like exposure to an infection that you can inoculate yourself against—a cure you can then share with the affected person.

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