The Astonishing Power of Emotions: Review and coaching application

This is a summary of The Astonishing Power of Emotions: Let your feelings be your guide by Esther and Jerry Hicks (The teachings of Abraham).
Prior to birth, your nonphysical being had an eager thought to be physical and this was realized. There were no concerns about the ability to handle it or change the world just a desire for direct experience. This expansion resulted in a nonphysical viewpoint as well as a new physical viewpoint.
The ‘physical you’ experience provides the contrast that allows you to gain clarity about what you do not want which can be turned into a desire for what you do want. This is leading-edge creativity. As soon as a desire occurs it is in the process of being created. This means that the variety of human experiences allows for expansion and improvement.
Emotions are the key to making these desires a reality. Each emotion indicates the vibrational relationship between the physical and nonphysical you. When they are aligned you feel good and when they are not aligned you feel bad.
Emotional alignment allows you to keep up with what you are becoming and live joyfully.
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