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Elizabeth Saigal

Daily DOSE for Happiness

Daily DOSE for Happiness

I recently came across a short narrative article about hormones and happiness doing the rounds on social media. It inspired me to do my own research and write this blog post to share with you. The premise of this article was to make sure we actively promote the production of the four hormones which determine a human’s happiness. These are Dopamine, Oxytocin, Serotonin, and Endorphins, which conveniently have the acronym DOSE! They provide our daily DOSE for happiness.

Why are these four hormones so important and how can we stimulate their production?

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Universal Laws and Getting What We Desire

Universal Laws and Desire

The concept of the Law of Attraction has become common knowledge. Whether or not you believe in it as a principle for conducting your life is another matter. Simply put, what you give out is what you get back. So, if you are clear about what you want in your life you can expect it to manifest over time. Most of us do not adequately question or examine what we actually desire our life experience and expression to be. It is far easier (and perceived to be safer) to go along with the status quo by retaining expected roles and timetables. However, many Universal Laws speak to how we can actually get what we want out of life. Imagine that, the universe actually wants us to be insanely successful.

The Ten Universal Laws* that speak to getting what we desire in life are the Law of Attraction, the Law of Belief, the Law of Cause and Effect, the Law of Choices, the Law of Clarity, the Law of Expectation, the Law of Frequency, the Law of Giving, the Law of Integrity, and the Law of Success. These Laws are given below with my thoughts on how they guide us in manifesting and creating the life that we want.

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