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Coaching Healthy Lifestyle

Ask, Align, Act: What is Being Asked of You?


Ask, Align, and Act—these three things bring us into flow with creating our experience.

The Law of Vibration states that everything in the universe, including thoughts, feelings, and physical objects, is energy in constant motion vibrating at a specific frequency. These vibrations influence the energy we attract into our lives.

The Law of Attraction further applies the idea that thoughts are a form of energy. It has traditionally been interpreted as meaning that you get what you focus on. So, focusing on positive outcomes can attract success, love, and abundance, while a negative focus can bring undesirable results.

With this in mind, we ask for things that we think will be fulfilling and bring us happiness. However, it is more correct to interpret the Law of Vibration as the energy of who you are. This means it is more about the energy of your being of which what you focus on comprises a small part. A better interpretation of the Law of Attraction is you get who you are. This means that to manifest more we must evolve to a higher frequency. This means becoming more conscious and aware of our higher selves.

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Positive Psychology and The Law of Attraction


Positive psychology is a branch of psychology that focuses on the study and promotion of well-being, happiness, and positive emotions.

The Law of Attraction also promotes using positive emotions to create the life we want. The Teachings of Abraham channeled by Esther Hicks describe how to use an emotional scale to assess our vibrational state. Love, joy, and appreciation are at the top of this scale.

Barbara Fredrickson, a leading researcher in positive psychology, introduces the concept of the “broaden-and-build” theory, which suggests that positive emotions such as joy, gratitude, love, and hope broaden our thinking and awareness, enabling us to see more possibilities and make better decisions. This theory contrasts with how negative emotions work, which tend to narrow our focus for survival purposes.

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The Laws of Manifestation: Review and coaching application


The book The Laws of Manifestation by David Spangler describes two ways of working with The Law of Attraction, the old method and a new one that is a natural progression. David outlines a shift from separate to integrated or from individual intentionally to holistic life-shaping and world-crafting.

David says there is a “difference between standing outside a system and acting upon it, imposing your will upon it, and standing within a system as a part of it and changing it by becoming an active part of its will.”

Most older models approach goals as linear and reductive without consideration of the complex dynamic system that comes with each goal. It is a more participatory process not only what you will receive, but also what you will give and who you will become. You are birthing yourself and supporting others in the same. The synchronicity of the system also includes how you help others realize their goal(s). In this regard, by making your goal what is needed, life will take care of your needs.

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Creating Space and Stillness


symbol-704076_1280 pixabayWhen you become deeply immersed in the moment such that there is no experience of time you have entered into a state of flow. This occurs when you are not identifying with any aspect of the experience you are just being with the experience. It is a place of space and stillness that is deeply alive.

In our modern hustle, many of us are caught in a cycle of constant activity, squeezing tasks into every available minute. This perpetual busyness often prevents us from being present, as we focus on what’s next rather than the current moment. There’s a common belief that inactivity equates to wasted time. However, beyond our concept of time when in a place of flow there is also no concept of wasted activity.

Interestingly, 99.99% of your body is space. Atoms, which make up everything, have nuclei that are 100,000 times smaller than the atom itself. Additionally, electrons, which orbit these nuclei, can be considered waves that occupy zero space! This spaciousness holds all that is manifested in form.

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Benefits of Meditation for Healthy Living


Meditation involves focusing on a specific object, thought, or activity to achieve mental clarity and calmness. This practice benefits both the mind and body. Engaging regularly can diminish stress and anxiety, boost concentration and memory, foster emotional health, improve self-awareness and self-esteem, lower blood pressure, and enhance sleep quality.

Additionally, meditation nurtures mindfulness, compassion, and empathy, contributing to healthier relationships and increased satisfaction and fulfillment in life.

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