Ask, Align, Act: What is Being Asked of You?

Ask, Align, and Act—these three things bring us into flow with creating our experience.
The Law of Vibration states that everything in the universe, including thoughts, feelings, and physical objects, is energy in constant motion vibrating at a specific frequency. These vibrations influence the energy we attract into our lives.
The Law of Attraction further applies the idea that thoughts are a form of energy. It has traditionally been interpreted as meaning that you get what you focus on. So, focusing on positive outcomes can attract success, love, and abundance, while a negative focus can bring undesirable results.
With this in mind, we ask for things that we think will be fulfilling and bring us happiness. However, it is more correct to interpret the Law of Vibration as the energy of who you are. This means it is more about the energy of your being of which what you focus on comprises a small part. A better interpretation of the Law of Attraction is you get who you are. This means that to manifest more we must evolve to a higher frequency. This means becoming more conscious and aware of our higher selves.
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