Ask, Align, and Act: The Keys to Implementing the Law of Attraction

Ask, Align, and Act are three steps for implementing the Law of Attraction. The Law of Attraction in its simplest form is all about what you focus on. However, there are different ways to do this. You can choose to focus with or without awareness of the way in which you are directing your focus. What I mean by this is monitoring what you want, but also how you feel about it emotionally and whether you can ‘see’ it happening. For maximum effectiveness, you witness what you wish for and turn every aspect of it towards love.
To capture this nuance, I have developed three steps: Ask, Align, and Allow. ‘Ask’ allows you to first get clarity about what it is that you wish for and imagine for yourself. Second, ‘Align’ allows you to reflect on your level of certainty around moving forward and receiving it. And third, ‘Allow’ is taking the small inspired steps that are presented.
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