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Coaching Healthy Lifestyle

The Mastery of Love: Review and coaching application


This is a review of “The Mastery of Love” by Don Miguel Ruiz. He is a member of the Toltec lineage dedicated to the preservation of spiritual knowledge. This book explains our wounding and provides the path to reclaiming our birthright.

In each situation that we encounter, we create images and roles of each aspect relative to us.

When we experience a reward for a certain behavior it becomes a habit we include. Conversely, when we experience a punishment it becomes a behavior we avoid and replace with a pattern that keeps us safe. This action and reaction shapes our behavior to minimize loss and maximize gain. Don Miguel uses a metaphor for this as sores on the skin. If we touch a sore that we believe leads to loss, it hurts. If we touch a sore that appears to restrict gain, it hurts. This skin disease is driven by fear that shows up as a range of negative emotions. This is so endemic it is considered normal. These emotional wounds are denied so that they appear as truth even though they are lies.

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Living Untethered: Review and coaching application


The book “Living Untethered: Beyond the Human Predicament” by Michael A. Singer is a must-read for everyone interested in raising their level of consciousness and removing their Samskaras (mental formations).

As you take the spiritual journey you become more mindful. You begin to identify more with the subject – the self within – and less with the objective external trappings.

Early in your journey, there is no distinction between your seat of awareness and your body and mind. They have become the subject with no space between them. With mindfulness, you create a space between. Your body and mind become the object and you become aware of how they distract you. However, the first experience of your inner self is not as it can be. It has been left unattended – and has become derelict with weeds. You still do not feel ok and will compensate with outside experience.

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Which Yoga Practice is Right for You?


The practice of yoga dates back to ancient India. There are a wide variety of classes and styles of yoga. Still, they all involve performing a series of postures and controlled breathing exercises to promote flexibility and calm the mind.

The poses require balance and concentration and practitioners are encouraged to focus less on distractions and stay more in the moment.

Which style you decide to try depends on factors such as health, level of experience, and alignment with your Ayurvedic dosha.

In Ayurveda, the traditional system of medicine from India, individuals are classified into three primary doshas: Vata, Pitta, and Kapha. Each dosha is associated with specific characteristics, and certain yoga practices are believed to balance and harmonize these doshas. Here’s a brief description of how different yoga practices may align with each dosha.

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Want to have a Meditation Practice? What are your Options?


Many people are looking for the Meditation practice that best works for them. Regular practice improves your ability to deal with the stressors of life. It also promotes relaxation, mindfulness, and self-awareness and over time allows you to calm your thoughts.

It is helpful to start with a commitment of 15 minutes in the morning and 15 in the evening and just experiment. Observe your experience with curiosity and without judgment. It is not about conducting a perfect practice or reaching an end goal.

There are various types of meditation, each with a distinct focus and method. Here’s an outline of some common meditation practices:

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Navigating the Phases of the Dark Night of the Soul


The Dark Night of the Soul is a profound spiritual journey that takes individuals through a series of challenging phases, ultimately leading to spiritual growth and transformation.

This concept, rooted in the writings of mystics like St. John of the Cross and St. Teresa of Avila, describes a period of intense inner turmoil, doubt, and despair that often precedes a deepening of one’s connection with the divine.

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