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Elizabeth Saigal

Developing Intuition: Book review and coaching application


The book Developing intuition: Practical guidance for daily life by Shakti Gawain describes what intuition is and how to connect with it and also provides a series of supporting exercises. Shakti supports individuals worldwide with greater awareness, balance, and wholeness.

Instead of looking outside ourselves (for external authority) to guide our choices, intuition allows us to look inside (for inner authority). Where rationally there may be a logical progression with many steps, intuitively there may just be synergy taking you directly to the finish line.

Why intuition is neglected

We have inner knowing and sense of what is needed, what will be, or what feels right. That is our intuitive sense. Often, however, we discount it with counterarguments as it just feels like a hunch or gut response.

Most education and job qualifications focus on left-brain, rational, logical ability and ignore “right-brain, intuitive, holistic, creative capacities”. Our logical response is to doubt or even fear intuition. If we instead embrace it as a natural ability, it can support more effortless planning. With a shift to using intuition over systematic planning as a guiding force our lives flow and harmonize with those around us.

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The Untethered Soul: Review and coaching application


I want to talk about The Untethered Soul: The Journey Beyond Yourself by Michael A. Singer. This book is masterfully written as a guide to your own spiritual journey.

Michael is an American author, journalist, motivational speaker, founder of Temple of Universe, and founding CEO of the Medical Manager Corporation (now a subsidiary of WebMD) where he wrote groundbreaking code to help medical practitioners digitize their medical records.

Each of us has the ability to find ourselves and free ourselves. It begins by focusing on the voice running inside our heads and the recognition that if we are witnessing it, then it can’t be us. The voice expresses the pressure within. It releases energy and narrates the world outside. This gives us a sense of relationships. It also brings us a sense of control through recreating the uncontrollable external experience.

However, by identifying less with our part in our play, we gradually stop clinging to the inner world and experience the expansiveness behind our thoughts, emotions, and body. As consciousness grows we are able to move from the finite to the infinite.

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Letting Go: Review and coaching application


One of my favorite books is Letting Go: The pathway of surrender by David R. Hawkins.

David was the founding Director of the Institute for Spiritual Research, Inc. (1983) and Founder of the Path of Devotional Nonduality (2003). His life was devoted to spreading ideas in the areas of health, healing, recovery, spirituality in modern life, consciousness research, and meditation.

This book is all about releasing negative feelings and becoming free. It is a guide to dropping what weighs you down so you no longer find yourself being involuntarily reactive.

Adopting these practices has been proven to have a positive impact on the body, interpersonal relationships, and consciousness. Doing so also decreases disease, cravings, conflict, self-sabotage, and dependency.

We fear feelings because we have no conscious mechanism to handle them as they come up and because we are afraid to face them as they accumulate. This pressure builds up and erupts as thoughts.

But now there is an alternative.

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You Can Heal Your Life: Review and coaching application


I recommend reading You Can Heal Your Life by Louise Hay. Do so with an open mind to the possibility embedded in what is being shared even if the practice seems too simple or fantastical. Louise used these very same principles to heal her own childhood trauma and cancer as well as applying them in workshops and meetings with others to heal their dis-ease.

The overall idea is that thoughts can be changed. This means you can recreate your memories and beliefs. You can rewrite your emotional homelife as a child and what you think about your worth and deservingness. You can change the things that are not going so well: your body, relationships, finances, work, and aspects of yourself that you don’t love. The only person thinking in your mind is you. Therefore, authority over your worldly experience resides with you. Even though it is frightening, acknowledging your responsibility empowers you to actively seek improvement.

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Zero Limits: Review and coaching application


This is a review of Zero Limits: The Secret Hawaiian System for Wealth, Health, Peace, and More by Joe Vitale and Ihaleakala Hew Len.

If you want to know all about the updated Ho’oponopono approach and how it is used for healing, this book is for you.

Ho’oponopono is a process of letting go of toxic energies within you to allow the impact of divine thoughts, words, deeds, and actions. The approach was updated by Kahuna Lapa’au Morrnah Nalamaku Simeona – a keeper of the secrets.

The traditional approach to problem-solving and therapy is that the source of the problem is in the client. So, they are responsible for resolving it. The new paradigm is that the therapist is also responsible for the experience of the problem as soon as it comes to their awareness. Therefore, they are also responsible for solving it. In coaching, there is a co-creative commitment to moving forward on client goals. This is another way the coach can co-create with the client.

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