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Universal Laws and Getting What We Desire

Universal Laws and Desire

The concept of the Law of Attraction has become common knowledge. Whether or not you believe in it as a principle for conducting your life is another matter. Simply put, what you give out is what you get back. So, if you are clear about what you want in your life you can expect it to manifest over time. Most of us do not adequately question or examine what we actually desire our life experience and expression to be. It is far easier (and perceived to be safer) to go along with the status quo by retaining expected roles and timetables. However, many Universal Laws speak to how we can actually get what we want out of life. Imagine that, the universe actually wants us to be insanely successful.

The Ten Universal Laws* that speak to getting what we desire in life are the Law of Attraction, the Law of Belief, the Law of Cause and Effect, the Law of Choices, the Law of Clarity, the Law of Expectation, the Law of Frequency, the Law of Giving, the Law of Integrity, and the Law of Success. These Laws are given below with my thoughts on how they guide us in manifesting and creating the life that we want.

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Universal Laws and Limiting Beliefs

Universal Laws and Limiting Beliefs

Universal laws provide parameters for designing a life that allows us to live fully. Many traditions convey that what we think is key to the kind of experiences we attract. Much of our attitude and belief systems have been adopted with little questioning as to how they really serve. There are social expectations and boundaries which we perpetuate. Some are just there for functionality such as systematic rules for traveling about, but others limit our potential and are based on fear and self-preservation. Those that are merely practical can be improved with technological advances. Those that are for control can be seen for what they are by taking responsibility for the thoughts we get behind. When we withdraw energy from those that are not based in truth we open up the possibility to express more of our potential.

The Ten Universal Laws* that are most relevant to our ability to choose our thoughts and identify limiting beliefs are: The Law of Abundance, the law of Affirmation, the Law of As Within So Without, the Law of Attention, the Law of Compensation, the Law of Duality, the Law of Gratitude, the Law of Miracles, the Law of Perpetual Transmutation of Energy and the Law of Truth. Below, I reproduce these Laws with a reflection on how they can inform our ability to live through what we choose to have in our stream of consciousness.

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Universal Laws and Healing

Universal Laws and Healing

Universal laws are truths that govern what we create in life. Being aware of these laws can allow us to more intentionally design our life. This post looks are the ones that can be consciously applied to our healing. In doing so we dissolve our own wounds and by extension provide the opening for others to be delivered from their own pain and hurt. Taking responsibility for our own suffering not only provides a path for liberation to us as individuals but for the collective as a whole as well. Another way of looking at this is by using these laws as tools for conscious development.

There are many universal laws* but the ten that are most pertinent to shifting and releasing the wounds that we have accumulated are alphabetically: The Law of Cycles, the Law of Grace, the Law of Forgiveness, the Law of Healing, the Law of Intention, the Law of Projection, the Law of Purification, the Law of Purpose, the Law of Reflection, and the Law of Relativity. I reproduce these laws here with a discussion of experience and application.

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Universal Laws and Surrender

Universal Laws and Surrender

Surrender has a connotation of giving up and being weak and losing. However, in this representation, it is a way not to compete and to be completely free. It is about being absolutely accepting of life in every expression that is occurring at this moment. This means not engaging in reactivity or placing any aspect in comparison to another. Another way to frame it is by claiming your ability to respond. You will respond to what is one way or another so wouldn’t you prefer to do it consciously and from a place of love?

The Universal Laws* that speak to being absolutely aligned to what is right now are the Law of Allowing, the Law of Attachment, the Law of Blessing, the Law of Compassion, the Law of Detachment, the Law of Flow, the Law of Least Effort, the Law of Responsibility, The Law of Surrender and the Law of Vulnerability. In the following, I reproduce these laws and provide a commentary on stepping into your ability to respond to every aspect of life around you.

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The Ultimate Universal Law of Love

The Universal Law of Love

There are many Universal Laws* that provide pointers on how to live. But, if there was only one Universal law that superseded all others it would be the Law of Love. By simply operating according to the principle of ‘what love would do’, you can choose your thoughts, emotions, as well as where to direct your energy and what behaviors to engage in. The Law of Love is given below with my thoughts on applying it in your life.

Love is our natural state, but as we grow we compartmentalize to make sense of the world and this creates artificial boundaries. These categories allow for comparison and evaluation, but this does not come from a place of objective appreciation for what is. Our choices about what we consider to be a part of bring separation. In reality, love encompasses all without distinction.

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