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Elizabeth Saigal

Improving Emotional Intelligence: What, Why, and How


What is Emotional Intelligence?

Emotional Intelligence (EQ) is the extent to which you can accurately reason about emotions and use emotions and emotional knowledge to enhance your thinking. This means it is the ability to leverage the interplay between your thoughts and your feelings.

There are various models and subscales, but all find a foundation in Daniel Goleman’s original conceptualization of EQ with five different aspects:

  • Knowing your emotions – recognition of your emotions, as well as associated strengths, and limitations.
  • Managing your emotions – your appropriate use of your emotions and impulses.
  • Motivating yourself – your level of focus on meeting intrinsic needs.
  • Recognizing and understanding other people’s emotions – your application of empathy.
  • Managing relationships (others’ emotions) – your ability to foster co-operation and buy-in.
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Deliberate Receiving: Review and coaching application


The best-selling book “Deliberate Receiving: Finally the universe makes some freaking sense” by Melody Fletcher outlines how to leverage The Law of Attraction by raising your consciousness. Melody is an expert in the Law of Attraction who supports people in getting the life they dream about. She outlines the transformation that occurs as follows:

Perhaps you are only too aware of the pain of the things that you don’t want. You learned a paradigm of avoiding pain from your caregivers and community. However, a new paradigm is emerging of seeking pleasure. It is about reconnecting with your mastery in terms of living your desires rather than hoping that they will come true one day.

When you don’t move into living, you just stay on repeat and this generates more desires and frustrations. In contrast, stepping into living gives vibrancy and purpose. The feedback system for this shift is your emotions. The more you replay your experiences the worse you feel. The more you enact newly created desires the better you feel. Often you don’t feel like you can enact what you want but you always can. This book provides an insight into how.

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Whatever Arises Love That: Review and coaching application


Today, I want to share another fantastic book. This one is by best-selling author, YouTube personality, spiritual teacher, and healer Matt Kahn. “Whatever arises love that: A love revolution that begins with you” provides simple practices to get to know and appreciate yourself and bring greater joy into your life.

Matt describes how he received and began to practice the inspiration “Whatever arises love that”. He shares his journey as an empath connecting with spiritual masters and developing using his intuition to deliver divine messages. As part of this process, he gained access to the Akashic Records (a library of books containing soul contracts). When the wisdom of each lifetimes soul contract is absorbed and understood, it is cleared from the records. Applying what he shares is a way to accelerate this process and become more consciously aware.

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Ask, Align, and Act: The Keys to Implementing the Law of Attraction


Ask, Align, and Act are three steps for implementing the Law of Attraction. The Law of Attraction in its simplest form is all about what you focus on. However, there are different ways to do this. You can choose to focus with or without awareness of the way in which you are directing your focus. What I mean by this is monitoring what you want, but also how you feel about it emotionally and whether you can ‘see’ it happening. For maximum effectiveness, you witness what you wish for and turn every aspect of it towards love.

To capture this nuance, I have developed three steps: Ask, Align, and Allow. ‘Ask’ allows you to first get clarity about what it is that you wish for and imagine for yourself. Second, ‘Align’ allows you to reflect on your level of certainty around moving forward and receiving it. And third, ‘Allow’ is taking the small inspired steps that are presented.

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Opening Up: Review and coaching application


What types of disclosure lead to integration and healing? The book Opening Up By Writing It Down: How expressive writing improves health and eases emotional pain by James Pennebaker and Joshua Smyth describes the ways in which writing and other forms of disclosure are beneficial.

Their research confirms that inhibiting by deliberately choosing not to share our thoughts and feelings takes work. In contrast, deliberately choosing to share allows us to confront and acknowledge our experiences. Just venting what is going on is not sufficient, but must be combined with shifts in awareness around your experiences. Higher-level, deep, complex, and reflective thoughts are associated with better health than a lower-level organization.

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