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Coaching Modalities

The Silva Technique: Mirror of the Mind


The “Mirror of the Mind” is one of the key visualization techniques in the Silva Method. It is designed to help individuals transform challenges into solutions by engaging the mind’s creative and problem-solving abilities.

This exercise is often used for goal achievement, problem-solving, healing, and personal growth. I think it can also be used to deconstruct our programming and reconnect with the essence of the self.

Steps to Use the Mirror of the Mind

  1. Enter the Alpha State:
    • Begin by relaxing your body and mind through deep breathing or guided relaxation.
    • Imagine yourself in the alpha state, a calm and focused mental state.
  2. Visualize a Mirror:
    • Picture a large mirror in your mind. This mirror is a tool for reflecting and transforming your current situation.
  3. Present the Problem (Left Side):
    • Imagine the mirror on the left side displaying your current challenge, limiting belief, or undesired situation.
    • Be specific and visualize the issue clearly (e.g., a health problem, limiting thought, or goal not yet achieved).
  4. Shift to the Solution (Right Side):
    • Move the focus to a new mirror on the right side, representing the solution or desired outcome.
    • Visualize this outcome as vividly as possible, incorporating positive emotions, details, and sensory experiences.
    • Imagine yourself fully experiencing the success, healing, or transformation you desire.
  5. Reinforce with Emotions:
    • Feel the joy, gratitude, and confidence as you see yourself living the solution.
    • Engage as if it has already happened, reinforcing the visualization with positive emotions.
  6. Return to the Present:
    • Gradually bring yourself back to a waking state while holding onto the positive feelings from the visualization.
    • Trust that the solution is already in motion and that your subconscious will work toward making it a reality.
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Emotional Freedom Techniques – The next generation Optimal EFT


Optimal EFT, introduced by Gary Craig, is a spiritual and energy-based healing approach that emphasizes the power of the mind and the concept of a higher consciousness or divine presence to address emotional and physical issues.

It is an extension of basic clinical EFT Tapping, which Craig founded. With EFT Tapping aspects are identified and then you tap on a set of meridian points with your fingers to move the energy. Both optimal EFT and clinical EFT Tapping focus on negative emotion as an indicator of stuck energy. With Optimal EFT, once aspects are identified instead of tapping participants connect with love through a powerful memory and then call on a universal oneness or divine knowing presence (termed “The Unseen Therapist”).

Read More »Emotional Freedom Techniques – The next generation Optimal EFT

Using the Emotional Scale to Manifest: 7 Steps to Success with the Law of Attraction


The emotional scale, as it pertains to the Law of Attraction, is a concept often used to help individuals understand and manage their emotions in a way that aligns with their desires.

The Law of Attraction states that your thoughts determine your reality. The vibration of the thoughts can be determined by the associated emotions. What feels good brings a positive experience and what feels bad negative experience.

The Abraham Hicks emotional scale is a range of emotions arranged from the most positive to the most negative.

Read More »Using the Emotional Scale to Manifest: 7 Steps to Success with the Law of Attraction

Clinical EFT: Proving the Science of Tapping


Dr. Peta Stapleton has conducted significant research into the use of Clinical EFT. This is the tapping protocol that has been validated by research as described in the EFT manual and is behind much of the research described in her book ‘The Science of Tapping’. Initially a skeptic herself, she committed to learning more when seeing its impact firsthand.

Dr. Stapleton is convinced that EFT tapping contributes more than the current therapeutic models by introducing a body-mind approach that quickly and permanently shifts outdated emotional learning.

EFT is a semantic intervention that impacts hormone production, brain waves, blood flow, and gene expression.

Tapping engages the amygdala (stress center), hippocampus (memory center), and limbic system (emotional center) allowing recalibration of each.

Tapping calms the physiological response and reduces cortisol and the level of arousal.

It has been shown to be effective in treating claustrophobia, car accident trauma, food cravings, general anxiety, public speaking anxiety, test anxiety, athletic stress, psoriasis, depression, addiction, pain, OCD, PTSD, fibromyalgia, headaches, insomnia, learning disabilities, frozen shoulder, and more.

Read More »Clinical EFT: Proving the Science of Tapping

Troubleshooting when EFT Tapping is not Successful


Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT), commonly known as “Tapping”, is a powerful tool for addressing emotional issues and promoting well-being. However, there are instances where individuals may find Tapping less effective than anticipated and become frustrated.

Here are the top ten common circumstances where tapping might not yield the desired results and how understanding these factors can enhance the effectiveness of this transformative practice.

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