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Troubleshooting when EFT Tapping is not Successful


Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT), commonly known as “Tapping”, is a powerful tool for addressing emotional issues and promoting well-being. However, there are instances where individuals may find Tapping less effective than anticipated and become frustrated.

Here are the top ten common circumstances where tapping might not yield the desired results and how understanding these factors can enhance the effectiveness of this transformative practice.

  1. Rejection of Bodily Experience:
    • Challenge: Trauma can result in disassociation, making it difficult for individuals to connect with their bodies and feel sensations.
    • Insight: Tapping involves a mind-body connection. If trauma has led to disassociation, it may be beneficial to work with a trained professional to gradually reintegrate the mind and body before expecting the full benefits of tapping.
  2. Not Being Specific Enough:
    • Challenge: Vagueness in addressing the issue may hinder the effectiveness of tapping. This is sometimes referred to as addressing the table top rather than the table legs.
    • Insight: The more specific you are about the emotions and aspects (table legs) you are tapping on, the more targeted and powerful the results can be. Pinpointing the exact feelings associated with the problem enhances the efficacy of the tapping process.
  3. Motivation to Keep the Problem:
    • Challenge: Unconscious resistance to letting go of the problem may hinder progress.
    • Insight: Sometimes, individuals might unknowingly derive secondary gains from holding onto their issues. Identifying and addressing these motivations can pave the way for more effective tapping. This might be revealed by considering what would be lost along with the challenge they face or the extent to which they feel the challenge is deserved.
  4. Consistent EFT Tapping Practice:
    • Challenge: Tapping inconsistently or not engaging with the process over time.
    • Insight: Like any practice, consistency is key. Tapping sporadically may not allow for the sustained release of emotional tension. Establishing a regular tapping routine can contribute to more lasting and profound results.
  5. Going Positive Too Soon:
    • Challenge: Shifting to positive affirmations before adequately addressing the negative emotions.
    • Insight: Tapping on positive statements can be beneficial, but it’s crucial to address and release the underlying negative emotions first. Skipping this step may result in a superficial and temporary change. it is important to ease resistance enough to create space for the possibilities of a new way of being.
  6. Ignoring Fleeting Thoughts:
    • Challenge: Disregarding fleeting thoughts that arise during tapping.
    • Insight: Pay attention to any thoughts, memories, or images that surface during tapping. These may provide valuable insights into underlying issues that need to be addressed for comprehensive healing. There is likely to be a connection even if it is not obvious and if it comes up it is helpful to include it in the tapping sequence.
  7. Ignoring Aspects:
    • Challenge: Overlooking different aspects or facets of a complex issue.
    • Insight: Tapping on all aspects of a problem is essential for thorough resolution. Break down the issue into its various components and address each one individually to achieve a more comprehensive release. You may release one aspect and have the challenge reoccur with subtle changes in form, leading to the belief that EFT tapping has failed. in fact, it is just another facet being revealed. As they are made apparent include each one.
  8. Changing Focus Too Often:
    • Challenge: Shifting focus from one issue to another too quickly.
    • Insight: It’s important to give each issue the time and attention it deserves. Rapidly changing focus may dilute the effectiveness of tapping on a specific problem. This is frequently an issue for those new to tapping identifying many areas on which to focus.
  9. Having Opposing Beliefs:
    • Challenge: Holding onto beliefs or feelings that contradict the desired shift.
    • Insight: Sometimes, individuals may unconsciously resist change due to deep-seated beliefs or fears. Identifying and addressing these conflicting beliefs is crucial for the success of tapping. examples might be ‘I am a tough case’ or ‘I’m skeptical, not gullible’. These provide resistance to the tapping process itself. or you might want to earn more but believe ‘money is evil’
  10. Attributing to something else:
    • Challenge: Failing to document successful transformation.
    • Insight: Keeping a record of your tapping sessions can help track progress, identify patterns, and highlight areas that may need further attention. A journal can serve as a valuable tool for self-reflection and improvement. It is frequently the cases that the shift is so complete it is hard to recall ever having an issue.

By addressing these factors, individuals can overcome obstacles that may be impeding the effectiveness of tapping. Whether working independently or with a professional, understanding the nuances of the tapping process and approaching it with mindfulness and consistency can lead to more profound and lasting emotional freedom.

Image by Gerd Altmann from Pixabay
