Ask, Align, and Act—these three things bring us into flow with creating our experience.
The Law of Vibration states that everything in the universe, including thoughts, feelings, and physical objects, is energy in constant motion vibrating at a specific frequency. These vibrations influence the energy we attract into our lives.
The Law of Attraction further applies the idea that thoughts are a form of energy. It has traditionally been interpreted as meaning that you get what you focus on. So, focusing on positive outcomes can attract success, love, and abundance, while a negative focus can bring undesirable results.
With this in mind, we ask for things that we think will be fulfilling and bring us happiness. However, it is more correct to interpret the Law of Vibration as the energy of who you are. This means it is more about the energy of your being of which what you focus on comprises a small part. A better interpretation of the Law of Attraction is you get who you are. This means that to manifest more we must evolve to a higher frequency. This means becoming more conscious and aware of our higher selves.
With this in mind, the Law of Attraction is a fundamentally spiritual practice. What is relevant is not so much asking for what we think we want or need but more asking for the connection to our higher selves and how we can serve. Asking, Aligning, and Taking Action can be leveraged to manifest conscious awakening. We ask for greater communion and we shift our inner state to allow the experience of greater communion such that we can do things inspired by this communion.
The more conscious we become the more we are in communion with how we can serve. Our thoughts and feelings switch from being the compulsive drivers of our reality to also being of service. We can intentionally give our attention to something and take action on it. Our being flows through all that we are.
When we ask for something the universe adapts our adventure to incorporate receiving it. However, the path that brings it into reality is in constant flux. It depends on how we resonate with what we have asked for. What do we perceive is needed to manifest? What do we believe is possible? Does what we have asked for bring us joy? The path changes as we shift alignment and drop resistance and doubt. Manifestation/creation occurs as we change beliefs and emotions to increase our sense of possibility. When coming from a place of service to our higher self there is no doubt in what is possible but also no attachment to when or if it occurs.
This alignment is believing that we can excel in what is being asked of us to manifest and bring to fruition what we desire fully. Alignment is about what is being asked of us. Which programs or ways of thinking must we transmute to allow progress? Which points of constriction in how we feel about who we will become need to be held with compassion and released?
We witness when we are not in alignment with our higher self and allow those aspects of ourselves that are preventing it to expire or transmute. We can support greater alignment by paying attention to whether what we think and feel is energizing or draining. Then, we can proactively and iteratively select energizers and release drainers.
We believe that we (the separate self’s ego) are responsible for our creation. Over time, as we pursue our inspiration we become more adept at listening to our intuition and contributing to our unique purpose. We shift to the idea that it is the divine that is creating through us. Action is also about what is being asked of us. We can support it by paying attention to whether what we do is energizing or draining and selecting activities and experiences that are energizers
“Expectation is the marriage between belief and desire”: Esther Hicks – channeling The Teachings of Abraham
Image by Pete Linforth from Pixabay