The Chakras have a lot to teach us in terms of what we need to heal as well as what we can do to heal.
Certain traumas or negative experiences can lead to specific Chakras being out of balance. This shows up in our emotional and physical responses as well as our thought patterns and level of overall energy.
The tables below provide more detail as to what the orientation of each chakra is and how this can support us in selecting healing practices.
The Chakras are the psychic junctions of the Nadis (energy channels) that run through our bodies. When they are out of balance this energy cannot flow. Check which traumas are present and the healing practices that most resonate with you.
Use the table to identify which of your Chakras are deficient, balanced, or overactive. As well as adopting healing practices, each Chakra can be balanced by working with the relevant element, sound, or color. If you use these while meditating direct your attention to the physical location of the Chakra.
Image by Okan Caliskan from Pixabay