Coaches have their niches in one of four primary coaching categories: 1) Relationships, 2) Health and Well-Being, 3) Career and Finance, and 4) Spirituality.
These coaching categories might be represented according to the image for this post with some intersection between Relationships, Health and Well-Being, and Career and Finance, but where the spiritual possibilities beyond the self have implications for the other three domains.
Each category might also correspond to a particular aspect of self as follows:
Health and Well-Being – the interaction of the self with itself.
Relationships – the interaction of the self with others.
Career and Finance – the interaction of the self with a situation or circumstance.
Spirituality – the interaction of the self with the greater community or life.
In each case, what you think and feel about this interaction is key to your experience. Is there faith and trust in the process and positive expectations? Or, is there a lack of faith and trust and negative expectation?
Here’s where we run into the self-fulfilling prophecy. No pun intended ;). You engage with each of these coaching categories according to your deepest notions about your abilities, enjoyment, and possibilities for creation.
Health and Well-Being
How you engage with your health and well-being depends on your belief in your ability to take care of your physical and mental needs. Some of us have core beliefs about our ability to heal or change choices or behaviors. This limits our possibility to alter aspects of our lifestyle to improve our level of fitness and reduce our toxic exposure,
How you engage in your relationships depends on your belief in your ability to nurture and grow through collaboration and bonding with others. It may be that you feel safe engaging and creating with others or you may feel that any exchange will be dangerous and costly.
Career and Finance
How you engage in your daily work depends on your belief in your ability to expand through your vocation. This area touches on what we think about money and how easy it is to come by. It also includes whether we think that how we apply ourselves can be inspiring and fun.
Belief in your ability to be a part of something larger than yourself. The more that you believe that everything in life is presented to support your development the easier it becomes to engage with things that happen that you don’t like. This contrasts with a belief that each of us has to suffer our allotment in life.
In each of these coaching categories, the thoughts we hold are either expansive or restrictive. This restriction is fear-based and keeps us limited and unable to live up to our potential. Fear is beneficial for taking selective precautions and evasive actions. However, in these cases our evasion is not selective instead has become habitual.