What are the things that bother you? We all know the things that we dislike doing. Here are the key ones that sometimes get to me, and five possible ways to minimize their negative impact, have fun, and make it a breeze.
Cleaning (the toilet!): Tidying up is an inevitable chore. We create a mess – just by living – eating, sleeping, and exercising. Our daily functioning generates pots to clean, beds to make, and clothes to wash, and this repetition can become tedious.
Maintenance: Repairing and replacing things that break or get worn out, or simply doing what needs to be done to maintain the status quo. Servicing our car; getting the oil changed and tires rotated. Keeping the yard tidy; raking leaves, and pruning hedges. Updating our wardrobe; removing tired, or unloved clothes. Painting our home inside and out … and the list goes on.
Irritating interactions: Spending time with maddening individuals. People who drain you because of their opinions, requests, or behaviors. These are those that take your time and energy and leave you with feelings of being used or abused.
On the one hand, you could choose not to spend time on things you dislike. However, this would often be an abdication of responsibility. It may also take advantage of others who take care of these aspects. In addition, it misses an opportunity to become more resilient to the ups and downs of life by finding the gift in all experiences. On the other hand, all of these hassles can be reduced by experimenting with some simple practices. Implement these to have fun and make it a breeze.
1) Allow yourself to be annoyed
What happens if you choose to be OK with your anti-attitude? Yep, washing dishes and wiping surfaces can be a bore. Waiting in line can be bothersome. Your neighbor talking about their garden gnome collection for the millionth time can be a yawn. But, it is okay to think that. It is even fine to believe that and say so. Objectively acknowledging aversion is a way to allow your experience and make peace with it.
2) Stay in the present
What happens if you choose to see each action as a completely new experience without reference to the times you have encountered it before? You can decide to keep it fresh. Recall when you were a child, the thrill of doing something for the very first time. Treat each moment as a first. You have never been who you are now in this instance before and you will never be able to interact with this specific set of circumstances and understanding again. Each moment is unique even if the action is something you have performed many times before.
3) Switch things up
What happens if you change something about the activity to make it more interesting? Use your imagination when you cook. Improve your routine so it is more efficient. Introduce music or share the experience with a friend to increase motivation. Some people might have a difficult time with you changing things up since they are used to responding to you based on their knowledge of your previous behavior. But, they will get over it. This objective in and of itself is more interesting! You can just tell them you are trying out a new way of interacting.
4) Find the positive in the experience
What happens if you look for how the experience contributes to your growth? Feeling angry, disgusted, resentful, envious, or frustrated at someone is a gift (in disguise). It provides an opportunity to learn about ourselves: to identify what exactly it is within us that promotes that response. Others have their agendas which may be contradictory to varying degrees. When this contradiction is not respected and our freedom to choose is limited, we may feel angry or frustrated. Paying attention to our anger helps us identify our priorities. Feelings of disgust or resentment tell us about our beliefs regarding what is right and wrong. If we envy another, it is a chance to pay attention to exactly what it is we feel we are lacking in comparison, and make a goal of obtaining it.
5) Experiment with an appreciation for how you deal with what is
What happens if you commit to engaging in these annoying activities with love toward both yourself and others? Appreciate yourself for doing a beautiful job on your chores. With this in mind, take breaks to reenergize if needed. Tasks are often more irksome just because we are tired. When you have to associate with challenging people, try to find a way to connect to their higher wisdom. You might politely bring their attention to their behavior – perhaps they will explain themselves and you will gain greater understanding. Focus on what you like and make it explicit in the form of praise or acknowledgment.
These small changes in approach can make troublesome tasks and encounters less so. Give yourself permission to try these practices and see what happens. Allow yourself to be annoyed. Pledge to stay in the present. Find ways to switch things up. Identify the positive in all you do. And lastly, appreciate how you already make a difference. I would love to hear about your experiences applying any of these practices, and any other tricks to reduce the sense of chore, have fun, and make it a breeze.