We all yearn for unconditional love. Can we fulfl this by beingbeing the change we wish to see?
Tapping is a great way to simultaneously address the emotional mental and energetic aspects that are holding you back.
I made these Tapping for Love videos so that we can begin to experience deep unconditional love for ourselves. In doing so we also mirror that in our increased appreciation and compassion for others.
New To Tapping? Check out this explanation.
Guided Tapping for Self Worth Video
Guided Tapping for Self Worth Transcript
Even though I don’t think I am abundantly deserving, I deeply and completely love and accept myself.
Even though I don’t believe I am worthy, I deeply and completely love and accept myself.
Even though I don’t think I can ever have the things I long for, I deeply and completely love and accept myself.
I have no right to ask
I will never get what I want anyway
There is no point
Dreams don’t matter
It’s hopeless
It’s best not to seek what I want
Then I won’t be hurt, sad, or disappointed
The odds are stacked against me
I have no value
I am attached to the outcome
I am willing to consider being abundantly deserving
I am open to the possibility of being infinitely worthy
I am allowed to have a vision
I am allowed to want more
I am allowed to receive
I am allowed to give in receivership
Perhaps I don’t need to be defined by my expectations
Wishes help guide our journey
My goals are constantly evolving
I listen to my intuition
I witness and celebrate my growth
I am allowed to ask for what I desire
I am open to my desires being met in surprising ways
There is joy in my journey
I trust that everything I need will be provided.
All my needs are taken care of
If I need it to grow it will appear
I am absolutely worth it
I am uniquely valuable
There is no limit to my dreams
I am able to be in flow with life
I deserve unconditional love
Take a deep breath
Guided Tapping for Self Esteem Video
Guided Tapping for Self Esteem Transcript
Even though I am not enough, I deeply and completely love and accept myself.
Even though I cannot relax, I deeply and completely love and accept myself.
Even though I judge myself all the time, I deeply and completely love and accept myself.
I am not enough
I have to get more done
I should be better
I ought to excel
I have to reach a higher standard
No one will love me if I’m not perfect
I feel so ashamed
I must master everything
So much tension
So much stress
So much pressure
Perhaps I can give myself permission to just be
Maybe I am already more than enough
I am allowed to relax and just have fun
I am more than what I achieve
I am more than how I produce
I am willing to let go of all the judgment
Of myself, others, and the situation
I have the ability to respond as needed at any given moment
I am seeking balance
I am empowered
I am growing
I am resilient
I am thriving just as I am
Take a deep breath.
Guided Tapping for Self Love Video
Guided Tapping for Self Love Transcript
Even though I have regrets, I deeply and completely love and accept myself.
Even though I blame myself, I deeply and completely love and accept myself.
Even though I have so many flaws, I deeply and completely love and accept myself.
I mess up all the time
I am broken
I am an idiot
I’m so stupid
I can’t get anything right
I feel hurt when others judge my abilities
But I am my biggest critic
I am sorry for all this judgment
It is possible that my thoughts do not define me
It is possible that my emotions do not define me
I thank you for every mistake
It is ok to fail
There are gifts in every experience
I am grateful for this embodied experience
I can always find the plus side
I am open to being supported by my situation
I forgive myself
I forgive others who hurt me
I let go of all my regrets
I let go of any blame
I am loved
I am perfectly imperfect
I am accepted just as I am.
I have complete appreciation for what is
Take a deep breath.
Image by Oberholster Venita from Pixabay