To be successful in business as a coach you have to have paying clients. This means you need some kind of marketing and sales. This often seems overwhelming and complicated, but it follows a straightforward framework. The three keys to having a successful coaching business are:
1) Message content,
2) Message distribution, and
3) Message conversion.
Not being effective at any of these steps will find you chasing your tail. Each step is simple on the face of it but requires a deep understanding of what drives you and how each one connects with your inspiration.
Behind the delivery of these three keys, you need to make choices as to how you want to present and execute.
Coming up with your Message
To have a successful message, you must know what it is that you offer. This involves knowing the areas where you have mastery and the transformation you provide, In other words, get clarity on how your passion intersects with your skill set and what people want. Then find a succinct, catchy way to say it without using jargon or words that need additional explanation.
1) Your skills and competencies
Your expertise comes from the places you have spent time and energy. This could be through the things you have learned or your innate talents for which people seek you out. Or, it could be something in which you wish to attain mastery.
You might be able to demonstrate or build evidence for this mastery through credentialing, testimonials, your story, and/or certification.
Take care that places that you have mastery also bring you joy. if you can do it well but it is not fun don’t include it in your message. Also, if there is an aspect related to your preferred talent that is not fun, consider what you need to make it enjoyable.
2) The transformation you provide
This comes from clarity around the specific outcomes or shifts you provide. When you demonstrate transformational value you are educating potential clients on why they need your coaching. In other words, what moves people from pain point A to pleasure point B? Identify the results and the achievable goal that would be on people’s wish lists.
This transformation will likely be personally inspiring to you because it is also something that you want deeply. In this way, it will be interwoven into your story. This is your why that gets people hooked to learn more about the how and the what.
Sharing your Message
Next, you need to share your offer by getting this message in front of people. There are thousands of ways to get people’s attention. And you have to pick ONE. Your method of outreach could be email, public speaking, social media, etc. You may need to experiment a bit to narrow it down.
It can be tempting to fling mud at the wall hoping that some will stick by having a presence on many platforms. A presence can be good, but only be consistently active with the one you love. Give yourself permission to explore and find out which method of getting the word out is the best fit for you and then give yourself permission to focus only on how you engage on that platform.
1) Brand design
How you choose to share this message becomes part of your successful brand. This is where you incorporate the backdrop to your message: things, like color, images, and delivery. These choices will be influenced by your audience or ideal client and where the demand is for the transformation and skill you provide.
2) Consistent outreach
When you have your method of contact use it to introduce new people to your audience every day. Find a way to measure how many new connections you make each day, how many you share an offer with, and how many buy from you.
When you know who you serve you can show up where they hang out. This means sharing your message with people who already identify with other members of your ideal audience.
Be realistic about your marketing methods. A following will come with time. Multiple points of contact are often needed to generate enough trust for a person to make a purchase. Use your conversion numbers to fine-tune your message. Once you have one that you know works you can have faith that money spent on advertising will likely be returned.
Selling your Message
Finally, you need to allow people to purchase your offer. In order to take payment you have to decide on your terms of service and terms for payment.
1) Fees and packages
Options for bundling or charging for your service depend both on what is preferred by you as well as what is preferred by your consumer. This could be membership, single unit payment, or block payment and will likely tie into the way in which you deliver your services. It will depend on your set points and mindset around receiving money, dealing with technology, or interacting with people. Again, choose what brings you joy.
2) Payment protocol
Identify the forms of payment you will accept. This can change over time depending on your needs as well as accounting requirements. Things to take into consideration with your accounting are fees associated with payment, ease of use, and changes in regulations or the marketplace.
Use these three keys to make an offer that leads to connection and possible enrolment every day. Each of these keys is critically important for a successful business. However, they can pull you away from actually delivering on your business. If you spend all your time figuring out your message or how to deliver it you will spend all your time working on your business rather than in your business delivering your product or service.
Spending too much time perfecting your brand with a great website, logo, images, and copy may be an indication that you do not yet have full clarity on your message. It will evolve and change over time such that you may need to update it. However, if it is taking all your focus prioritize a deep dive into your message to move through the iterations until you find the aspects that a most aligned.
Spending too much time on payment systems could be an indication that you are having difficulty fully endorsing the current formulation and you need more exploration to make the changes required to commit.
In both these cases, it is likely that there is resistance to moving into the actualizing phase. Perhaps discomfort with some other aspects of doing business such as putting yourself out there, delivering on your promise, or handling money.
You meet yourself running a successful business so be prepared to face your limiting beliefs as you follow your inspiration. Moving forward involves consistently showing up outside your comfort zone and being willing to take risks. This means finding your own support when needed.
Image by Omni Matryx from Pixabay