I want to share a summary of Creative Visualization: Use the power of your imagination to create what you want in your life by Shakti Gawain. This book outlines how to consciously choose the most fulfilling life you can imagine. Oftentimes, we are imagining unconsciously and, consequently, incorporate elements of lack and limitation.
Begin by developing a clear image, idea, or feeling of something you wish to manifest. This is defining your desire. It could be an improvement or something completely new. Relax into a deep quiet meditative state of mind and imagine having received what you want, the physical setting, personal interactions, and details about the context. This is allowing receipt of your desire. Use affirmations to shift negative mindsets and commit to positive supporting alternatives.
This process works because our physical universe is constructed of energy across a range of vibrations. This energy tends to attract like energy. So, what you focus on or think about eventually becomes – even if it is not conscious attention. In other words, we attract what we think about most, or expect to occur, or believe in most strongly, or imagine vividly. We tend to operate ‘do’ to ‘have’. However, this attraction works best for us by applying ‘be’ to ‘do’ to ‘have’.
This means any process of change involves exploring, discovering, and changing our deepest most basic attitudes to life. You can practice creative visualization for specific goals and expand it to creating all aspects of life.
Ideally, we set our goals from a state of being rather than doing. In this way, we can create from inner essence and appreciate what is happening presently without attachment. In other words, choose to enter into the flow. To open and strengthen the connection with your wise self begin to ask this aspect of self for guidance from which to act upon. Physiologically this will make you feel strong and joyful.
Overall, “the ability to manifest will work to the degree that you are in alignment with your highest purpose”. If what you desire does not manifest there could be a limiting factor that you have not yet identified or it may be out of alignment with your inner essence.
Basic Creative Visualization Technique
1) adopt a relaxed state
- you can leverage your relaxed state when you wake up or just before you go to sleep
- you can use your favorite mediative practice
2) imagine experiencing something that you desire
- set your desired goal
- increase your clarity by researching if necessary
- creative visualization can take the form of mental imagery, physiological sensations, physical images, or the written or spoken word
- focus on it often as if it already exists in a light way with no striving
- remain receptive to elaborating on your desired goal
- affirm your accepting and receiving it with gratitude and positive statements
- if your goals shift or are achieved, acknowledge this with thanks and release
3) make positive affirming statements about this experience
- use the present tense
- frame positively as a gain not a loss
- be simple and concise
- choose what feels good
- direct at creating something new (not changing or redoing)
- accept and allow anything negative or contradictory that arises without trying to change it
- believe that what you affirm is possible
After you complete these three steps for creative visualization just check in with yourself to see whether you have a true desire to have what you are asking for, that you believe that it is possible for you to realize it, AND that you are ready to accept it. If you are not 100% on all three this suggests an additional shift in perspective is still required.
If you can’t elaborate your desire or feel overly invested in your targeted goal just observe this response. Don’t judge. Allow yourself to be open to different possibilities. When you feel stuck in developing what you desire, it is usually a fear of what might be revealed or unleashed. Once you do allow it, this tension will resolve. Do seek additional support if needed.
Sometimes, our mindset does not support our best health. We can use this process to shift thoughts about contagion, genetics, hidden gains, or resistance to ailments. Intentionally accept whatever is coming up emotionally and mentally – doing so will lead to relaxed physiology. Then witness what arises and experience it as fully as possible. This often brings to consciousness what is underneath the constricted energy so that you can intentionally let go of it and reframe it to serve you.
Visualizing and wishing for something that is low vibration is self-destructive whereas visualizing for the highest good of all naturally attracts happiness and success. When you operate from the belief that the self is prosperous, abundant, and good and that all you truly need is here for the asking there is no need to desire small or petty things. In other words, giving operates from an unlimited supply with no sacrifice or conditionality.
This process almost seems too simple to be effective, but that is part of its power. Basically, you are operating from love. Love for what you wish to experience in your life. Shakti provides many examples of visualizations, affirmations, meditations, and journaling tools which are great to provide variety and find the ones that really resonate with you. When applying it in coaching you can simply work through the bullets in steps 1 to 3 above. These are collated to provide the core elements of the creative visualization technique.
Check out my Self Alignment Program to learn more about up-leveling your own use of the Law of Attraction.
Image by Ocdesignzz from Pixabay