This is a review of Zero Limits: The Secret Hawaiian System for Wealth, Health, Peace, and More by Joe Vitale and Ihaleakala Hew Len.
If you want to know all about the updated Ho’oponopono approach and how it is used for healing, this book is for you.
Ho’oponopono is a process of letting go of toxic energies within you to allow the impact of divine thoughts, words, deeds, and actions. The approach was updated by Kahuna Lapa’au Morrnah Nalamaku Simeona – a keeper of the secrets.
The traditional approach to problem-solving and therapy is that the source of the problem is in the client. So, they are responsible for resolving it. The new paradigm is that the therapist is also responsible for the experience of the problem as soon as it comes to their awareness. Therefore, they are also responsible for solving it. In coaching, there is a co-creative commitment to moving forward on client goals. This is another way the coach can co-create with the client.
Hew Len was taught by Kahuna in 1982. Subsequently, he worked at the Hawaii State Hospital on the criminally insane ward. It was a dangerous and unwelcoming place. Hew Len looked at inmate files and worked on himself. He used the question “What is going on in me that I have caused this problem and how can I rectify this problem in me” In other words, you heal yourself of the problems you see outside yourself.
Self I-dentity Through Ho’opononpono
Hew Len describes the process as follows: Self I-dentity Through Ho’opononpono (SITH) is our petition to return to being memory-free. The Ho’oponopono statements are I love you, I’m sorry, please forgive me, and I thank you. Saying them to yourself removes programming that is preventing you from being in a state of love and connecting with divinity. Self I-dentity has 4 elements:
- Divine intelligence: This is infinite and creates self identify and inspiration and transmutes memories to the void.
- Superconscious mind: This overseas conscious and subconscious minds. It is at one with the divine creator and unaffected by memories playing in the subconscious mind. It transmits Ho’oponopono as a petition from the conscious mind to divine intelligence.
- Conscious mind: This gives the choice between running memories or reclaiming the void by releasing memories.
- Subconscious mind: This is a storehouse for all accumulated memory and inspiration that plays out in the world.
How does it work?
The physical universe is a reflection of thought. Simply put, bad thoughts give bad reality and good thoughts give good reality. If we are all responsible for that reality then we are also responsible for creating and correcting it. Most try to solve problems with external action. This process instead clears the memories that caused the problem. When you are clear of memories and inspiration comes you just act. There are no memories blocking you from saying yes to inspiration. You can use Ho’oponopono or Tapping to release these memories.
The mind can only serve memory or inspiration. So you can choose to live life either from memory (old programs playing) or from inspiration (the divine giving you a message).
How does setting intentions and taking action to manifest (Law of Attraction) work alongside clearing our memories to allow divine inspiration? You move into harmony the more you connect with inner truth and undo social conditioning and ancestral programming. You remove the interference that prevents connection with inspired as opposed to programmed action.
When you come from the zero-state where there are zero limits. This means that there is no need for intentions, you just receive and act, and miracles happen.
Check out my Self Alignment Program to learn more about up-leveling your own use of the Law of Attraction.