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Positive Psychology and The Law of Attraction


Positive psychology is a branch of psychology that focuses on the study and promotion of well-being, happiness, and positive emotions.

The Law of Attraction also promotes using positive emotions to create the life we want. The Teachings of Abraham channeled by Esther Hicks describe how to use an emotional scale to assess our vibrational state. Love, joy, and appreciation are at the top of this scale.

Barbara Fredrickson, a leading researcher in positive psychology, introduces the concept of the “broaden-and-build” theory, which suggests that positive emotions such as joy, gratitude, love, and hope broaden our thinking and awareness, enabling us to see more possibilities and make better decisions. This theory contrasts with how negative emotions work, which tend to narrow our focus for survival purposes.

Why do we want more Positive Emotions?

Fredrickson explores the transformative power of positive emotions and how they can reshape our lives for the better in her book “Positivity”. She highlights the “3-to-1 positivity ratio” as the optimal balance for thriving. This ratio means that for every negative experience, three positive ones are necessary to foster well-being. Maintaining this balance helps individuals flourish and build emotional resilience. In addition, experiencing positive emotions can trigger upward spirals, where one positive experience leads to another, improving our relationships, mental health, and even physical well-being. These emotions are contagious, creating a ripple effect that enhances the lives of those around us.

Applying the emotional scale according to Abraham Hicks proactively switches us to successively more positive emotions. This can help foster the positivity ratio and support upward spirals. The idea is to catch negative emotions and switch to a more positive reframe as early as possible.

Key Points of the Broaden-and-Build Theory:

  1. Broaden Effect:
    • Positive emotions such as joy, love, and curiosity broaden our thought-action repertoire, meaning they encourage us to explore, think creatively, and engage with the world around us.
    • Instead of focusing narrowly on problems (which is typical when experiencing negative emotions like fear or anger), positive emotions help us see a wider range of possibilities, opening our minds to new experiences and solutions.
  2. Build Effect:
    • Over time, these broadened thoughts and actions accumulate and help us build resources that enhance our well-being. These resources can be:
      • Psychological: Enhanced resilience, creativity, and optimism.
      • Social: Stronger relationships and social support networks.
      • Cognitive: Improved problem-solving and mental flexibility.
      • Physical: Better health and increased energy.
  3. Positive Emotions vs. Negative Emotions:
    • Negative emotions like fear or anger narrow our focus because they are linked to immediate survival (e.g., fight or flight). This tunnel vision can be helpful in life-threatening situations but limits creativity and broader thinking in everyday life.
    • Positive emotions, on the other hand, are not typically tied to immediate survival but are crucial for long-term personal development and resilience.

Research on Positivity

This means that research and theory also support the Law of Attraction claim that proactively introducing positivity will allow for the manifestation of better opportunities, relationships, and health.

Research shows that positive emotions can help people bounce back from challenges, build social bonds, and increase overall life satisfaction. By experiencing and fostering positive emotions, individuals can become more resilient to stress, think more creatively, and build meaningful connections with others. Concepts such as gratitude, optimism, and flow (a state where individuals are fully immersed in an activity, lose track of time, and experience deep enjoyment.) have been shown to enhance overall happiness and well-being.

Both The Law of Attraction and Frederickson’s Broaden-and-Build Theory suggest that cultivating positivity is crucial for long-term well-being and growth. Strategies for increasing positivity in daily life include mindfulness, practicing gratitude, nurturing relationships, and seeking activities that bring joy and fulfillment.

Overall, both bodies of literature emphasize that cultivating positive emotions is not about ignoring challenges or hardships, but rather about using positivity as a tool to build a more resilient and fulfilling life. Happiness and well-being are enhanced by proactively seeking experiences of gratitude, optimism, and flow (a state where individuals are fully immersed in an activity, lose track of time, and experience deep enjoyment).

    Image by Gerd Altmann from Pixabay
